Herbs for the Apocalypse - Herb Monologue #9 | 17th March 2022

Herb Monologue

Beautiful image created by: Rokaya Taqi (@roktaqi)


One of my best friends (who I met volunteering for Burning Man Precompression March 2011 in San Francisco), Sarah Russo, is a longtime plant enthusiast and a freelance writer, organizer, consultant, and digital creative with over 13 years of experience in the cannabis and herbal medicine space. She is also the founder and author of Herbs for the Apocalypse, a women-created graphic novel where “plants and punk rock collide in a tale of apocalyptic reckoning.”

In Sarah’s words:

“Herbs for the Apocalypse aims to be a source of empowerment in a challenging time for earth’s inhabitants. Environmental degradation is accelerating at a rapid speed. Systemic injustice is the status quo. We’re wreaking havoc on our ecosystems. We have natural disasters and global pandemics expanding every part of the globe. The planet is in revolt.

We must do all we can to protect and ensure the survival of our sacred earth. Especially since its bounty and gifts far surpass any debt that can be returned. We are an invaluable part of the inner and outer workings of the Universe, even if we sometimes don’t act like it.

It’s always coldest just before dawn. That is both a fact of nature and a metaphor for our current reality. We live in trying times but we also have an invaluable collection of tools to collectively cope, heal ourselves, and build resilience in order to face what it is to come.

This isn’t a place for Dogma or screaming that the end is near. It is an invitation to connect back to Source. To our greatest ally, pachamama (Mother Nature), and respectfully learn from the therapeutic wisdom of the Plant, Fungi, and Animal kingdoms.

Herbs for the Apocalypse is both a passion project and a graphic novel, currently in the works.

While the graphic novel goes through its evolution, the spinoff project @herbsforapocalypse is a resource for self empowerment through plant medicine and nature, and the need to listen and collectively fight for our ability to use this knowledge.”

Help support the print edition of the graphic novel becoming a reality via the crowdfunding campaign: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/herbsapocalypse

I was extremely honored to be invited to be the voice of one of 10 plants for the “Herb Monologues” series, where “plants chime in to give their perspective on how to survive the impending Armageddon.” This herb also happens to be one of my very favorites and one that I revere very much. Can you guess which one I am?

Credits: @roktaqi (illustrator) | @psychedelicreikimassage (narrator) | @tryptaminetwist (video editor) | Sarah Russo (writer & concept)